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Get the information you need to make better-informed decisions


A Complex Balancing Act to Get Right

Airline catering businesses face unique challenges, requiring effective solutions to optimize operational efficiency, reduce costs, and provide a seamless catering experience for passengers. The complexities include making informed decisions, exposing expenditure patterns, identifying savings opportunities, highlighting standardization areas, and facilitating budget comparisons.

It is a complicated balancing act with different data types needed to draw the correct conclusions and identify recommendations.


Arm Yourself with the Right Data to Optimize Operational Efficiency

Paxia Insights is a specialized application that addresses the challenges that airline catering businesses face each day. Paxia offers a comprehensive solution that leverages the wealth of data within Paxia Cloud. Paxia Insights is a powerful tool that aggregates and analyzes data from various sources, such as expense reports, invoices, financial records, historical expenditure data, market research, benchmarking, operational records, process documentation, and feedback.

By incorporating Paxia Insights into the catering operations workflow, airlines can unlock additional capabilities, efficiently tackle challenges, forecast with more accuracy, and ensure optimal performance in delivering high-quality catering services to passengers.


Data, Data, Everywhere

Airline catering businesses collect data from Paxia systems and airline sources to capture budget plans, supplier invoices, and operational data. Paxia Insights streamlines the collection and data integration process. The aggregated data is then used for comprehensive analyses using AWS Quicksight and presents the information in a series of user-friendly dashboards.

Expenditure Analysis
Identify and analyze spending patterns related to catering services from data from expense reports, invoices, and financial records

    • Generate detailed reports on expenditure patterns
    • Visualize data through dashboards and graphs for straightforward interpretation

Savings Opportunities
Leverage aggregated data from historical expenditure data, market research, and benchmarking to identify potential areas for cost saving without compromising on quality and service standards

  • Conduct a thorough analysis of historical spending data to identify areas of potential savings
  • Implement a continuous monitoring system to track the effectiveness of cost-saving initiatives
Standardization Opportunities
Identify opportunities for standardizing processes and services across different flights and routes through operational records, process documentation, and feedback

  • Analyze operational processes to identify opportunities for standardization
  • Develop standardized procedures and guidelines for catering services based on insights

Budget Comparison
Understand discrepancies and areas of improvement by looking at budget forecasts, actual spending data, and variance reports

    • Compare budget forecasts with actual spending
    • Generate regular reports to highlight budget variances and facilitate timely corrective actions


Powered by Paxia Insights

With Paxia Insights, you get improved cost efficiency through targeted negotiations and cost-saving initiatives. You will experience enhanced operational consistency and improved quality through standardized processes and accurate financial forecasts, allowing you to manage your budget proactively. All this will enable you to make better-informed decisions based on comprehensive business intelligence data, not a gut feeling.

Cost Efficiency

  • Generate detailed reports on expenditure patterns to gain insights into areas of high expenditure
  • Improve cost efficiency through targeted negotiations with suppliers
  • Streamline cost-intensive processes and initiatives powered by insights

Operational Consistency and Quality

  • Get enhanced operational consistency and quality through standardized processes
  • Identify opportunities for standardization to reduce operational complexity, ensure consistency in service quality, minimize errors, and facilitate bulk purchasing and resource optimization

Proactive Budget Management and Forecasting

  • Generate detailed reports on expenditure patterns to gain insights into areas of high expenditure, enable negotiation with suppliers, and streamline cost-intensive processes
  • Manage budgets through accurate financial forecasts
  • Track the effectiveness of cost-saving initiatives

Data-Driven Decision Making

  • Make decisions based on comprehensive business intelligence data
  • Automate the comparison of budget forecasts with actual spending to improve budgeting accuracy, identify spending trends, and enable proactive adjustments, ensuring the catering department operates within budget constraints while maintaining service excellence

Data-Driven Decisions Made Easy

Learn how Paxia Insights can provide you with the information you need to make better decisions